a few words about

Code of Conduct policy

1.Policy brief & purpose

Grow, Transform, Belong employee Code of Conduct Policy outlines our expectations regarding employee’s behaviour and attitude towards our colleagues, supervisors and the overall      organisation. We offer stakeholders the highest standards of honesty and integrity. We are responsible for maintaining these standards, to ensure a consistent high-quality service and preserve our reputation.

We promote freedom of expression and open communication, within the framework of a code of conduct policy and other policies noted that provide more detailed guidance. This is to ensure our values as an organisation our upheld and we behave in a pro-social manner, fostering a well-organised, respectful and collaborative environment. Staff are expected to refrain from offending others, participating in serious disputes, and disrupting our workplace. We expect those that represent GTB to behave in a way that embraces equality, diversity and difference and whilst challenging behaviour, does this in a respectful way, which focuses on behaviour rather than the person.

This policy applies to all our employees regardless of employment agreement, paid or volunteering or rank. In the majority of cases staff should fully apply their training, use common sense and professional judgement whilst also promoting speaking to a member of the GTB management team in order to meet the requirements of this code of conduct.

Compliance with Law

All employees must protect our company’s legality. They should comply with all Public Laws, environmental and/or safety laws. We expect employees to be ethical and responsible when dealing with our company’s finances, products, partnerships and public image and carry out the appropriate induction and training to ensure they are fully aware of processes and procedures that apply to the workplace, as this may vary between different organisations.

Personal Behaviour

Our reputation is really important to us and being authentic at work. We expect our staff to  respect the reputation of GTB and be aware of any personal factors e.g. use of  illegal substances, involvement in public disorder, domestic dispute or abuse, which may affect or influence your ability to: 

  • work effectively
  • make professional/appropriate decisions
  • maintain professional standards

If you have concerns or feel you may struggle to fulfil this, you need to speak with a senior member of the team immediately.  

You are expected to share with a member GTB if you are being accused of behaviour that is not appropriate to your position and respectful challenge any behaviour that does not meet with  the standards in our Code of Conduct Policy, so that a safe working environment is maintained.

Additionally, you may feel concerned about a colleague’s behaviour and feel that it goes  against our codes and policies. In these circumstances you are welcome to talk to a member of the GTB team and your concerns will be treated in confidence, as far as reasonably possible.

Respect in the workplace

All employees should respect their colleagues. We will not tolerate any kind of discriminatory behaviour, harassment or victimization. Employees must conform with our Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy in all aspects of their work, from recruitment and  performance evaluation to interpersonal relations.


You will be working closely with people with whom we have an important role and working relationship. Some individuals you will work alongside (both employees/volunteers of GTB  and others) often share difficult and personal information and may be vulnerable themselves. Inappropriate relationships may develop or one may surface.

It is important that boundaries are set on both sides and respected to avoid inappropriate relationships developing. It is a requirement that all employees/volunteers of GTB are  offered supervision and this provides a space where discussions can be had to explore current working relationships or claims of inappropriate relations. Standards and a professional working relationship must be kept to prevent any unacceptable personal involvement. You must seek advice from the Director if your relationship is becoming more personal or on a more financial level. Specialised training will be provided to all GTB employees to fully articulate the boundaries that are required, whilst working with some complex relationships.

Protection of Company Property

All employees should treat our company’s property, whether material or intangible, with respect and care.

Employees should not misuse company equipment or use it frivolously.

Should respect all kinds of incorporeal property. This includes trademarks, copyright and other property (information, reports etc.) Employees should use them as agreed and only to complete their job duties.

Employees should protect company facilities and other material property from damage and vandalism, whenever possible.


All employees must show integrity and professionalism in the workplace. This is defined as: having the competence and skills expected, demonstrating learnt practice, using our trained methods, demonstrating thoroughness, respectability, willingness, reliability and dedication.

Due to the environments in which we are working, personal presentation needs to be appropriate – dress code needs to be professional and suitable for the prison environment unless certain type sports activities are taking place. This includes covering the knees, chest, stomach and shoulder areas.


We discourage employees from accepting gifts from clients or partners, showing favouritism or disfavour to others whilst in your role. We prohibit briberies for the benefit of any external or internal party. Only items that have been discussed, checked and pass GTB agreement can be accepted.

If you have been asked to receive a gift please declare this to the Director or Project lead so we remain transparent in our working and consider the response together. 

Should allegations arise you must evidence that you have not obtained any such items  corruptly.

Job duties and authority

All employees should fulfil their job duties with integrity and respect toward customers, stakeholders and the community. Supervisors and managers must not abuse their authority. We expect them to delegate duties to their team members taking into account their competences and workload. Likewise, we expect team members to follow team leaders’ instructions and complete their duties with skill and in a timely manner.

If you are involved in employment matters, recruiting staff e.g. new Growth Champions, you must make sure you follow the recruitment procedures and that you appoint people based     on their ability to do the role. In order to avoid accusations of bias, you should not be  involved with recruitment if you are related to an applicant or have a personal relationship with them.

You also must not be involved in decisions relating to discipline or promotion if an employee is a relative / partner or, close personal friend.

GTB encourages openness, coaching and mentoring. It recognises the need for personal development and challenges, due to the nature of the work, but centres honesty and communication at the heart of the organisation.

Absenteeism and tardiness

Employees should follow their agreed work schedules and hours agreed. We can make exceptions for occasions that prevent employees from following standard working hours  or days but, generally, we expect employees to be punctual when coming to and leaving from work.  If there are problems which may arise out of our control, please contact the staff that this impacts. 

Conflict of interest

GTB respect employee’s personal situations, financial or other interests e.g. family days, professional appointments that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their job tasks/duties. Should appointments/situations occur that put the employee in  conflict with fulfilling their role, a discussion must be held prior to the conflict with a member of the GTB team.


Disruption to the workplace may be unavoidable at times in order to make improvements to growth. Employees must be pro-social, friendly and collaborative at all times in order to manage confrontational situations successfully. If challenges that arise within the team, the first step is to respectfully discuss this and if the matter is not resolved, to discuss this within growth supervision.  At this point, resolution of a rupture will be supported through mediation.  


All employees must be open for communication with their colleagues, supervisors or team  members. Structured appointments will be organised for employees and this is an expected part of any job role.


We expect employees to not abuse their employment benefits. This can refer to insurance, travel expenses, access to and use of facilities, freedom of movement or other benefits our company offers.


All employees must read and follow our company policies. If they have any questions, they should ask a member of the GTB management team.

Intellectual copyright

GTB have the intellectual copyright of material that you develop in the course of and in connection with your employment, unless agreed otherwise by Dr Sarah Lewis

Disciplinary actions

At times GTB may need to take disciplinary action against employees who repeatedly or intentionally fail to follow our code of conduct.

Contact: info@growtransformbelong.com

Charity Number:

Last Reviewed: 4th Jan 2024