a few words about

Whistleblowing Policy

This organisation encourages a free and open culture in dealings between its managers, employees  and  all  people  with  whom  it  engages  in  business  and  legal  relations.  In particular,  this  organisation  recognises  that  effective  and  honest  communication  is essential if concerns about breaches or failures are to be effectively dealt with and the organisation’s success ensured.


This policy is designed to provide guidance to all those who work with or within the organisation who may from time to time feel that they need to raise certain issues relating to the organisation with someone in confidence.


Workers who in the public interest raise genuine concerns under this policy will not under any circumstances be subjected to any form of detriment or disadvantage as a result of having raised their concerns.

A. Procedure

1 .The Employment Rights Act 1996 provides protection for workers who ‘blow the whistle’ where they reasonably believe that some form of illegality, injustice or breach of health and safety has occurred or is likely to occur. The disclosure has to be “in the public interest”.  We  encourage  you  to  use  the  procedure  to  raise any such concerns.  The matters that may be disclosed in this way are:

  • the committal of a criminal offence
  • a failure to comply with any legal obligation
  • a miscarriage of justice
  • a breach of health and safety rules causing danger to any individual
  • damage to the environment
  • concealment of information tending to show any matter falling within any one of the preceding paragraphs.

2. There is no need for a worker to prove that the breach or failure that they are alleging  has  occurred  or  is  likely  to  occur;  a  reasonable  suspicion  will  suffice,  i.e.,  where  the worker reasonably believes that the information disclosed is substantially true. Workers should, however, note that they are not entitled to make a disclosure if in so doing they commit a criminal offence.

3. If a worker wishes to raise or discuss any issues which might fall into one of the categories listed in clause (1), they should contact [Carianne Burr], or, in their absence [Dan Reynolds]. This person will, insofar as is possible, treat the matter in confidence. It is likely that an investigation will be necessary and the worker who has made the disclosure may be required to attend an investigatory hearing and/or  a  disciplinary hearing  (as  a  witness).  

Appropriate  steps  will  be  taken  to  ensure  that  the  worker’s working relationships are not prejudiced by the fact of the disclosure.

4. If a worker reasonably believes that the relevant failure (i.e., one of the set of circumstances listed above under clause (1)) relates wholly or mainly to the conduct of a person other than someone who works for GTB, then they should make that disclosure to that other person’s employer. Also, a worker may make such a disclosure to Public Concern at Work, the leading authority on public interest whistleblowing, if they consider that it has an interest in the matter and, despite the best efforts of the organisation, the worker believes that disclosure within the organisation is inappropriate or has been unsuccessful.  Disclosures  made  to  workers’  legal  advisors  in  the  course  of  obtaining legal advice will be protected.

5. Workers should be aware that the policy will apply where they reasonably believe that the information disclosed and any allegation contained in it are substantially true. If any disclosure concerns information which the worker does not substantially believe is true, or  indeed  if  the  disclosure  is  made  for  personal  gain,  then  such  a  disclosure  will constitute a disciplinary offence for the purposes of the organisation’s disciplinary policy and procedures and may constitute gross misconduct for which summary dismissal is the sanction.

6. While  the  organisation  hopes  that  such  disclosures  will  never  be  necessary,  it  also recognises that it may find itself in circumstances which are new to it. Each case will be treated on its own facts.

7. A worker who makes a disclosure is protected from detrimental treatment by the organisation, by a co-worker or by an agent of the organisation.  An employer is vicariously liable for detrimental treatment. If this occurs, it should be raised immediately with Carianne Burr so that the matter can be investigated thoroughly without undue delay.  Detrimental treatment includes, for example, harassment and bullying or  not complying with a person’s rights and entitlements under their contract of employment.

8. A worker is also protected from dismissal by the organisation for making a protected disclosure.

Contact: info@growtransformbelong.com

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Last Reviewed: 4th Jan 2024